Our School
Curiosity is the spark
Yangon Academy’s vision is to empower students to reach their full potential.
Our mission is to inspire students to love learning and to contribute positively within a diverse and ever-changing world.
Our Schoolwide Learning Outcomes

Effective Communicators
Listens respectfully and asks questions to facilitate understanding
Presents information and ideas clearly and honestly with sensitivity to others
Demonstrates the ability to effectively communicate in multiple ways; e.g., speaking, writing, artistic/musical expression, kinesthetic/movement, mathematical/logical, interpersonal/social, intrapersonal/reflective, media/technology
Uses appropriate technology as a tool to convey ideas

Creative and Critical Thinkers
Creates, adapts, and evaluates new ideas in the light of the common good
Thinks reflectively and creatively to evaluate and solve problems
Achieves excellence, originality, and integrity in one’s own work
Recognizes and solves problems using various strategies appropriate to the situation or issue
Analyzes and employs the arts, media, and technology to enhance the quality of life

Healthy Individuals
Participates in leisure and fitness activities for a balanced and healthy lifestyle
Supports the health and safety of self and others
Demonstrates a robust sense of physical and emotional happiness

Collaborative Team Players
Demonstrates the skills of effective collaboration to achieve personal and group goals
Collaborates meaningfully, supportively, and efficiently on teams
Demonstrates leadership through collaboration and teamwork
Understands that each member of a team plays an essential role, and all are interdependent

Responsible Global Citizens
Demonstrates a positive sense of respect for the dignity and welfare of others
Acts ethically, taking responsibility for one’s own actions
Values and honors the role of the family in society
Embraces awareness and respect for the rights of others
Respects and affirms the diversity and interdependence of the world’s peoples and cultures
Demonstrates care and concern for the environment and community Uses resources wisely

Lovers of Learning
Demonstrates attributes of passion, curiosity, and inquiry
Continually develops one’s given potential
Takes risks to imagine and innovate
Accepts responsibility for learning
Global Competency at Yangon Academy
Global Competency represents the knowledge and understanding as well as the skills and habits to act on issues of global significance: By striving to develop Global Competency, Yangon Academy students are empowered, “to contribute positively within a diverse and ever-changing world”. Towards these ends, Yangon Academy International School has embedded within our SLOs The Four Domains for global competency as developed be the Asia Society and Chief State School Officers (CCSSO – United States).
At Yangon Academy, Globally Competent Students are able to…